Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Christian Worldview

I was talking to my wife today and the topic of a Christian or biblical worldview came up. Well I guess, the real discussion was on rather I really had one. So as I was thinking about, I don't know if I know what that really means. I am a Christian and have been for 20 years. I believe that Jesus is my savior and that the only way to have relationship with God is through following him. I grew up in a Christian home with a father and brother in Christian ministry for most of my life. You would think that I would really have grasp on what a Christian worldview is, right?

Friday, June 1, 2007

My First Blog

Well, I don't know if anybody will ever read this but this is kinda fun to do. I think I will kind of use this a public journal. So if anybody reads this for some stupid reason you might just understand the mind of DHN.